Four Ways to Reduce Your Power Bill This Year!

For many households in Cairns and Townsville without solar, electricity bills make up a huge chunk of their monthly expenses. In some instances, this can be a thousand dollars per quarter, if not more! As a solar retailer, we can, help most homeowners reduce their electricity bill. Using solar energy captured by photovoltaic (or pv) panels arranged across their roof or the ground, electricity can be used to meet power requirements or, electricity generated can be credited into their account by the power companies via feed in tariffs. There is a popular saying in our industry where if you can afford to pay for your electricity bills, you can afford to pay for solar! That said, homeowners usually benefit the most if they are spending more than $300 per quarter. If you currently spend less or are not ready to take the plunge and find out how to get solar installed to start save you money, here are four ways you can reduce your power bill this year. 

1. Install energy-efficient light bulbs

Swap put your old incandescent or halogen light bulbs to energy efficient LED bulbs.

LEDs used to be pricey, but now they’re more affordable and only cost pennies (erm… cents) more than other bulbs! It’ll be a fraction more expensive upfront than other bulbs but you won’t find better lifetime savings. LED light bulbs use up to 90% less energy than traditional light bulbs, and can last nearly 14 years.

2. Choose energy efficient appliances

Since appliances account for one of the biggest consumers of your electricity bill, it is crucial that you’re not using old energy inefficient appliances when you should be upgrading to energy-efficient models instead. 

That old TV setup in the basement that no one ever watches can be silently consuming power, and sucking money right out of your wallet. Old appliances and electronics such as fridges that are energy inefficient or require regular maintenance may not be worth repairing. Instead of keeping those old electronics, consider donating them or recycling them. Better to be out of the house than sucking up more energy and increasing your monthly electric bill.

3. Insulate you home

Another majority of your electric bill gets routed to heating and cooling your home. So if your home is not properly insulated, all the money you spend on heating and cooling will be going right out your vintage windows and drafty attic space. Now in Cairns and Townsville, it’s rare we get cold frosts but we definitely get the warm summer heat! While it’s great to escape the heat at the beach, if you want air conditioning, ensure that potential leaks such as around doors or windows, are plugged. This is called weatherstripping. By weatherstripping, you’ll stop the cool breeze escaping and keep air condition use minimal. 

4. Unplug appliances and turn off the light when not in use

Lastly, everyone in the family should make it a habit to turn off the lights as you go from room to room. Same goes for appliances, unplug it when not in use. Most of our appliances still draw electricity when it is still plugged in to the power outlet, even when turned off. Focus on appliances that uses a lot of electricity, like your air conditioner, refrigerator and heater. By focusing on these appliances, you’ll tackle the largest sources of energy loss and costs!

If you’ve started taking these four steps congratulations! You’re on your way to reducing your power bills. If you haven’t then start doing it today and see your next quarterly bill drop! If you have tried all of these, only to see no benefit… then contact us for a free Energy Audit. We’ll suggest more ways to reduce your power and even recommend a solar solution that will not break the bank! Get started below!

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Information | 0 comments